Halleroed referencia a Swedish Grace e Carlo Scarpa na loja da Toteme

The Swedish design studio Halleroed has crafted an impressive flagship store for the fashion brand Toteme in London. By blending Scandinavian design elements with striking artworks like a sculpture by Carl Milles and a sleek steel sofa by Marc Newson, they’ve created a space that not only showcases style but also pays homage to the brand’s Swedish heritage.

1. Introdução ao projeto da loja Toteme

Totême store in Mayfair
Totême store in Mayfair

Let me tell you, when I first stepped into the new Toteme flagship, I felt like I was walking into a dreamy realm of blooming creativity. The design philosophy here isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a narrative woven through materials and layouts that whisper stories of elegance and sophistication. The meticulous attention to detail takes me back to my architectural roots, reminding me of how places can profoundly impact our experiences.

2. Colaboração com Elin Kling e Karl Lindman

Interior of Totême store in London
Interior of Totême store in London

Every project tells a story, and in this case, it’s a collaboration between visionary designers Elin Kling and Karl Lindman. Their joint efforts showcase a brilliant synergy, much like a duet that hits all the right notes. Their work together seamlessly merges fashion and architecture, creating a retail experience that feels less like shopping and more like meandering through an art exhibition.

3. A influência da herança sueca no design

A piece by sculptor Carl Milles sits by the entrance
A piece by sculptor Carl Milles sits by the entrance

The Scandinavian touch is palpable throughout the store. You can see that it’s not just design — it’s a celebration of heritage. From clean lines to organic forms, the atmosphere radiates simplicity and functionality. It’s as if the very essence of Sweden has been bottled up and poured into this space, inviting a sense of peace and tranquility.

4. Elementos arquitetônicos inspirados na luz

A black mirrored cube features at the rear of the store
A black mirrored cube features at the rear of the store

Speaking of visual impact, the color palette is both calming and sophisticated. Shades of white and soft earth tones mingle harmoniously, like friends enjoying a sunny picnic together. The textures, too, are deliberately chosen to add depth and warmth. It’s almost as though each material was selected for its ability to evoke certain emotions, setting the perfect backdrop for the luxury fashion displayed.

6. Estrutura central em pedra e obras de arte

Milles sculpture inside Totême store
Milles sculpture inside Totême store

Now, let’s talk about that stunning central stone structure! It’s both a visual anchor and a conversation starter. It commands attention without being overbearing, just like your favorite uncle at a family gathering, the one who always has interesting stories to share. The presence of artworks, including sculptures that stop you in your tracks, adds an element of surprise and intrigue.

7. Mobiliário vintage da época do Swedish Grace

This isn’t just about modern essentials; the store also embraces the past with vintage pieces from the Swedish Grace era. These furniture items are not mere decorations; they are like time travelers that carry stories from the golden days of design. When I see a vintage chair, I can almost hear the laughter echoing from decades gone by, mingling beautifully with the present.

8. Conclusão sobre o impacto do design na experiência de compra

Ultimately, the design of the Toteme flagship does much more than showcase products; it shapes the entire shopping experience. Entering this space, I felt as if I had stepped into a beautiful narrative, each corner revealing layers of thoughtfulness and creativity. And let’s be real, doesn’t everyone want to feel like they’re the main character in a fabulous story when they shop?


To wrap things up, this flagship store is a testament to what happens when design, art, and heritage collide. It’s not merely a space to browse; it’s a multidimensional experience that engages the senses and enhances the act of shopping. If you ever find yourself in London, you must check it out; it’s definitely a treat for both the eyes and the heart!

Pontos principais:

  • Design integrado: A colaboração entre Elin Kling e Karl Lindman é um exemplo de como a parceria criativa pode elevar um projeto a novos patamares, criando uma experiência de compras inigualável.
  • Herança sueca: A influência da herança sueca se reflete em cada elemento do design, mostrando que simplicidade e funcionalidade podem andar de mãos dadas com elegância.
  • Impacto na experiência: A loja é mais do que um espaço de varejo; ela transforma a experiência de compra em uma jornada estética repleta de arte e design, deixando uma impressão duradoura.

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