Exposição “A Calm Place” da Objective Studies: Desenhando a Equidade no Design

The “A Calm Place” event, held during the 3 Days of Design, showcased the vibrant launch of Objective Studies—a digital platform that champions designers by sharing profits and promoting equity in the industry. Let’s dive into this innovative endeavor and its beautiful implications for the design world!

Pontos principais:

A Calm Place exhibition by Objective Studies at Refugio
A Calm Place exhibition by Objective Studies at Refugio
  • O Conceito da Objective Studies: A platform that prioritizes equity in design by sharing profits with the creatives behind the work.
  • Inspiração na Arquitetura Dinamarquesa: The event beautifully reflected the essence of Danish architecture, blending tradition with modernity.
  • Importância da Transparência: This initiative highlights the need for transparency in the design industry to foster trust and collaboration.

O Conceito da Objective Studies

Objective Studies launched with an exhibition at Refugio
Objective Studies launched with an exhibition at Refugio

When I first heard about Objective Studies, it felt like a breath of fresh air in a room filled with stale ideas. This digital platform aims to revolutionize the design landscape by allowing designers to share in the profits of their creations. It’s as if they’ve taken the whole “one for all and all for one” motto and run with it, giving everyone a fair chance in an often cut-throat industry. Imagine a space where your creativity is not just acknowledged, but rewarded!

Exposição “A Calm Place” em Copenhague

The inaugural collection includes furniture pieces by Mario Martinez and Ted Synnott
The inaugural collection includes furniture pieces by Mario Martinez and Ted Synnott

Hosted in the picturesque city of Copenhague, the “A Calm Place” exhibition was like stepping into a dream. Picture this: serene colors, soothing lines, and objects that whisper stories of their own. The ambiance felt both inviting and tranquil, encouraging me to pause and appreciate the artistry surrounding me—a true oasis in the hustle and bustle of design.

Objetos em Exibição

The scenography took cues from modernist summerhouse Korshagehus
The scenography took cues from modernist summerhouse Korshagehus

The designers drew inspiration from the rich arquitetura dinamarquesa, blending traditional elements with modern aesthetics. It’s as though they took the historical charm of Danish buildings and wrapped them in a contemporary hug. Each design echoed the harmonious playfulness characteristic of Denmark—think minimalist yet functional, with a dash of whimsy. Every corner I turned echoed that timeless, effortless style that makes you say, “Wow, how did they think of that?”

Modelo de Negócio Inovador

Juhl & Lange designed the woven baskets, while the Korshage bench is by Sina Sohrab
Juhl & Lange designed the woven baskets, while the Korshage bench is by Sina Sohrab

What truly sets Objective Studies apart is its modelo de negócio inovador. In a world where sharks often circle around new talent, this platform flips the script, creating a community that thrives on shared success. Rather than the traditional approach of being out for oneself, it’s about empowering the entire design community. Their model sparks hope like a candle flickering in a dark room, guiding designers to a brighter, more equitable future.

Promovendo o Consumo Consciente

I was particularly impressed by how the exhibition emphasized consumo consciente. It’s no longer just about making pretty things that look good in an Instagram post. Instead, it’s about creating designs that resonate with people on a deeper level—pieces that feel like home or evoke cherished memories. I chuckled to myself at the thought of my old couch, which looked good but felt like sitting on a pile of bricks. This new wave of design champions comfort and sustainability, making it a win-win for everyone.

Curadoria e Designers Envolvidos

The curadoria was impeccably done, showcasing a diverse group of talented designers, each with their unique flair. It was like watching a well-choreographed ballet, where each act contributed to an overarching story—one that celebrates creativity and collaboration. I loved seeing fresh perspectives and innovative approaches that challenged the status quo. Honestly, it was like I was at the front row of the coolest design concert, and trust me, I was living for every moment!

Importância da Transparência na Indústria do Design

One of the loudest whispers at the event was the importance of transparência in the design industry. With so many layers in play, it’s easy for promising talents to get lost in the shuffle. Objective Studies shines a spotlight on this issue, advocating for open communication and shared knowledge among designers. It made me think about how we can all work together to create an environment where everyone can flourish—imagine the powerful ripple effects that could create!

Considerações Finais

Wrapping it all up, this event was more than just a showcase—it was a celebration of what the future of design could and should be. The fusion of **equidade**, **sustentabilidade**, and **transparência** has me feeling optimistic about where we’re headed. Here’s to hoping that the ripples from “A Calm Place” spread far and wide in the design world, compelling us all to embrace a brighter, more inclusive future. And I’ll be here, cheering on every step of the way. Let’s keep dreaming big, designing boldly, and supporting each other like a trusty old couch in a cozy living room!

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